Low Back Pain

Low back pain is the most common problem in a chiropractor’s office. Did you know that approximately 80% of people have low back pain at some point in their life?

According to the Magna Report, it is the leading cause of disability, which can be caused by any of the following:

  • Injury,
  • Poor posture, 
  • Bad alignment of the pelvis or spine, 
  • Working and/or sitting from home. 

There are many things that you can do at home in between chiropractic appointments that may help with low back pain, including:

  • Keep moving and maintain a healthy weight,
  • Stretch and strengthen your abdominal core to help support your back,
  • Maintain good posture to help ease the pressure on your lower back,
  • Ice may help with inflammation, while heat may help relax stiff or tight muscles.

Poor alignment causes muscles to not work properly, which further puts pressure on vital nerves coming out of the lower spine. It can cause pain and have various effects on walking, exercising, bending over, and cause stiffness in the morning or worse.

Chiropractic care is designed to correct those misalignments of the spine called subluxations. Subluxations can occur from physical, emotional or chemical stress. 

It is important not to ignore low back pain because the condition may get worse over time. Repeated movements, such as heavy lifting or even spending hours in the same office chair, can strain muscles and tissues in your back, complicating back pain further.

Here at Elevation Health, we use advanced postural and digital x-ray analysis to first be certain of the cause of your problem, and then use state of the art adjusting and a spinal remodeling program to correct those causes without drugs or invasive surgery.Whether you are here in Windsor/Tecumseh or anywhere else in Essex County, dysfunction in your musculoskeletal system does not discriminate. Anyone can benefit from the healing attributes of chiropractic care in order to provide relief from any form of discomfort that one undergoes when they have a misaligned spine, back, or neck. Schedule an appointment today at Elevation Health if you are serious about potentially feeling great, and functioning better, getting back to doing the things that you enjoy, and elevating your health.

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Weakness in your back muscles can lead to an eventual injury. Poor posture, lack of regular exercise

Contact Us

(519) 979-2273

1614 Lesperance Road Windsor,
ON N8N 1Y3 (On the corner of E.C. Row Expressway and Lesperance)

